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NT Logistics News & Articles

NT Logistics Receives 8th Customer Service of the Year Award from Nestle Waters

FRISCO, Texas (June 26, 2018) – NT Logistics is deeply grateful to receive our 8th Customer Service of the Year Award from Nestle Waters North America. Nestle Waters has worked closely with our Brokerage team to provide exceptional service to customers for the past 11 years. We are honored to be recognized once again by Nestle Waters and are committed to upholding the highest standards of excellence every day. We truly appreciate Nestle Waters for allowing us the opportunity to work alongside their team and we look forward to being a part of their continued growth and success.  We’re very proud of our entire NT Logistics staff for their dedication to delivering unmatched customer service. Pictured left to right are some of our awesome NT team members who helped make this award a reality: Jan Pope, Tedra Bilby, Keri McCain, Ana Foubert, Natalie Payne and Shayla Jones.  Thanks to them and Nestle Waters for this prestigious honor!



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